

Welcome To The Home Of All My Shenanigans!

I have built my own network from scratch in my house. I was able to get a good deal on some servers & have used them to expand my knowledge in the field of computer networking.

I have started hosting services for customers since setting up this server rack with my partner.

I love capturing the beauty of nature with my FUJI X-T2 camera. It's a great tool to enhance my photography skills and express my creativity. Landscape photography is my passion and I enjoy exploring different places and perspectives.

I host a number of services such as Discord bots, games, VM's & dedicated servers for a number of clients.

I have a number of hobbies some of which I partake in with my partner.

Computer Networking
Transport Nerd
Urban Exploring

I am Ash, I am a STANDARD NERD that enjoys things of a technical nature. Click here to learn more.

DIY Projects

A colection of some of my DIY projects